Upload an image by clicking on the WordPress Upload/Insert icon just above the text entry box.
Then browse to the location of the file(s) on your computer and upload.
In the Add Media box:
- Give your image a meaningful title.
- Remove the Link URL (by clicking on None) unless you want to be able to click through to an enlargement of the photo.
- Choose the image alignment and size
- To include the image in the post, just click on the Insert into Post button. (If it appears in the wrong place, use Ctrl-X to cut and Ctrl-V to paste where you want it).
- After the image has been inserted into the post, you can edit these settings by hovering the mouse over the image – then click on the little Edit Image icon (picture)
Using a Previously Uploaded Image
To include an image which you have previously uploaded, click on the Upload/Insert icons, then choose the Gallery or Media Library tabs to see all the available uploaded images.
Unwanted coloured border around your image – If you decide to make the image link to something (either an enlargement or another web page), you may see a coloured border around it – to remove this border, click on the Edit Image icon, as described above, then choose Advanced Settings and set the Border value to 0.
Error messages when uploading – If your image file is large (digital cameras these days can create huge files for each photo), there may be uploading problems. You may need to use your camera’s software to save a lower quality version, which will have a smaller file size (as if you were going to email it to someone) before you try to upload.